Performance Enhancement
Executive Coaching &
Business Group Coaching
Interpersonal Communication Effectiveness
Maximizing Personal and Behavioral Styles
      Learn to Coach and Develop People
By developing and acquiring coaching skills and attitudes, you create environments
that nurture learning and development of your staff.

       Learn which strategies to use when people don't make their development a priority or  
       when they don't apply what they've learned to make needed changes on the job.

Learn to shape the environment to support incentives to learning.  Align the
      organization's values with coachng and development.

       Inspire Commitment and Forge a Trusting Relationship
When people don't believe you care about them, it is time to build trust and                        understanding to inspire a willingness to hear, as well as, know what matters to your            people.
Even the most committed people face barriers to their success.  Coaching strategies can address these barriers successfully.
"The great leaders are like the best conductors - they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players."
Blaine Lee
Understanding your style and others' styles allows you the opportunity to shift your assumptions, perceptions and behavior and expand your strengths. 

The coaching strategy will use multiple models of behavioral styles, explore power bases (influence, authority and expertise) and clarify needs and values as they pertain to self and others. 

Coaching will help the client build skills for recognizing others' most preferred behavioral style and identify the other person's patterns under both favorable and stressful conditions.  This approach will help the client achieve a superior level of competency with interpersonal relationship skills.
Long term stress will produce outward signs of altered behavior, appearance and habits. The cost of stress in absences, liability, mistakes, quality of work and poor decision-making, physical, emotional and mental health can be measured in how it impacts performance.

When demands on employees exceeds their ability to cope, they are no longer thriving on pressure (short-term stress).  Energy levels are low.  In this state people dwell on problems, focus on their weaknesses and find it almost impossible to think clearly. 

There are clear benefits for the organization in taking steps to reduce employee levels of stress.  Coaching interventions will help to move towards solutions.

Coaching will assist the individual or group through a process of stress management developing the individual's ability to adapt and become resilient to pressure which will then lead to growth.instead of stress.

Coaching will provide a strategic framework for increasing awareness, responsibility and action.
      DiSC Personal Behavioral Profile
Used by trainers, executive coaches, HR professionals to help the individual         
       understand self and others, employee development, team building.

      C.A.R.E. Profile for Team Innovation
Based on four approaches and the four roles assumed: Creator, Advancer,
      Refiner, Executor.  Helps teams to clarify roles, reinforce strengths and                           encourages problem-solving.

      Emotional Intelligence Inventory
Measures personal and emotional competencies based on Daniel
      Goleman's model of emotional intelligence.  Pinpoints an individual's
      developmental needs.

Platinum Rule Assessment
Based on four grid dimensions of Relater, Socializer, Thinker, Director
       Similarity to 360-D evaluation. The individual being evaluated submits
names of those observers who will do the assessment.

      Skillscope 360-D Instrument
Useful executive level instrument for employee development and succession                   planning.  Evaluation of workplace competencies based on self-evaluation                      and the evaluations of observers (direct reports, peers) and immediate boss.
      Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument
Popular tool to increase conflict resolution skills. Measures levels of                             assertiveness and cooperativeness.  Based on five modes: competing,                          collaborating, compromising, avoiding, and accommodating.

MAPP Instrument (Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential)
Measures motivations, your top vocational areas, learning styles and work                      preferences.  This document is a self-discovery tool used in career and                          educational planning.

Interpersonal Communication Effectiveness
Maximizing Personal and Behavioral Styles
Performance Enhancement
Assessments & Grids:

100 Skills ... Highly Effective

Determine Your Priorities

Motivation Grid

The Power of Influence

Coaching Tips
Copyright © 2010 by Flo Mauri, Thinking Well Consulting
All rights reserved  Do not copy without permission

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